For the longest time, FaceTime has allowed no more than two users to video chat with each other, but with the release of Group FaceTime in iOS 12.1, you can video chat with up to 31 other people. Here’s how to do it. RELATED: How to FaceTime on Your Apple TV Anyone that you want […]
Tag: group
how to leave a group text on iphone
Group texts are great because they allow you to collaborate and communicate with several people at once while on-the-go, which is useful if you don’t have mobile Internet access and can’t use a dedicated chat client like Slack or Hangouts. Still, there are those times when people can get overly talkative, or everyone starts talking at once. One minute […]
how to create a group email in outlook
When you send an email to an Outlook contact group (formally known as a distribution list), you might want to hide the email addresses in the group from the recipients. Here’s the easiest way to protect people’s private information. tmntag.cmd.push(function(){tmntag.adTag(‘purch_N_C_0_1’, false);}); What’s a Contact Group? In Office 365 (O365), Microsoft’s subscription version of Office, two […]
how to create a group email in gmail
If you send emails to the same group of people regularly, you can cut down on wasted time by creating an email list to use in Gmail. While it’s not inherently obvious, here’s how to generate a mailing list. tmntag.cmd.push(function(){tmntag.adTag(‘purch_N_C_0_1’, false);}); Create an Email List Using Google Contacts In typical Google fashion, all of the […]
how to group facetime
For the longest time, FaceTime has allowed no more than two users to video chat with each other, but with the release of Group FaceTime in iOS 12.1, you can video chat with up to 31 other people. Here’s how to do it. RELATED: How to FaceTime on Your Apple TV Anyone that you want […]
how to make a group chat on whatsapp
WhatsApp is a great way to stay in contact with people, regardless of what smartphone they use. And, like SMS, WhatsApp supports Group Chats so you can talk with a group of friends, your sports team, clubs, or any other group of people. Here’s how to start a group chat in WhatsApp. Open WhatsApp on […]
how to create a group chat on whatsapp
WhatsApp is a great way to stay in contact with people, regardless of what smartphone they use. And, like SMS, WhatsApp supports Group Chats so you can talk with a group of friends, your sports team, clubs, or any other group of people. Here’s how to start a group chat in WhatsApp. Open WhatsApp on […]