Khamosh Pathak WhatsApp groups can run amuck with memes and videos. All that media takes up valuable storage space on your iPhone or Android phone. Here’s how you can reduce WhatsApp storage space without deleting the app. WhatsApp has a built-in storage management tool for both Android and iPhone. Using the tool, you can quickly […]
Tag: clear
how to clear history on iphone
Clearing your history from time to time shouldn’t be misconstrued as sneaky. It’s actually just a good practice to undertake. Over the course of time, you’re going to visit hundreds or even thousands of websites on your computer or smartphone. Not all these websites will necessarily be ones you’ll visit repeatedly. Some you may visit […]
how to clear other storage on iphone
Connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to your computer, open iTunes, and you’ll see a large amount of space used by “Other” storage. iTunes won’t let you delete any of this “Other” data to free up space. Other storage is just other types of data that iTunes can’t display and manage for you. You […]
how to clear icloud storage
Apple offers 5 GB of free iCloud space to everyone, but you’ll run up against that storage limit sooner than you’d think. Device backups, photos, documents, iCloud email, and other bits of data all share that space. tmntag.cmd.push(function(){tmntag.adTag(‘purch_N_C_0_1’, false);}); RELATED: How to Free Up Space on an iPhone or iPad If you have multiple iOS devices, […]
how to clear cookies on mac
You may not have anything to hide when we surf the Internet, but you still may want to clear your history every now and then. It’s pretty easy on Safari for OS X and only takes a couple clicks. Clearing your browsing history doesn’t have to be an intricate chore. On Safari, all you do is […]
how to clear cookies on iphone
Clearing the cache on your iPhone or iPad is really easy, but that will log you out of every single website that you were previously logged into, and wipe any other cookie-based preferences. So what if you want to just wipe cookies or cache for a single site? Luckily that’s also pretty easy… though not […]
how to clear cache on ipad
We’re going to assume that most How-To Geek writers know how to delete the history, cookies, and cache in Mobile Safari, but just in case you don’t know, here is how to do it. Open up the Settings app and find Safari in the left-hand list, and then scroll down the right side until you […]
how to clear search history
All web browsers remember a list of the web pages you’ve visited. You can delete this list at any time, clearing your browsing history and erasing the tracks stored on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Each browser has its own separate history, so you’ll need to clear the history in multiple places if you’ve used […]
how to clear history
All web browsers remember a list of the web pages you’ve visited. You can delete this list at any time, clearing your browsing history and erasing the tracks stored on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Each browser has its own separate history, so you’ll need to clear the history in multiple places if you’ve used […]
how to clear cookies on chrome
If you’re trying to fix loading or formatting issues to improve your browsing experience on Google Chrome, clearing your cache and cookies is an excellent place to start. Here’s how and what happens when you delete them. tmntag.cmd.push(function(){tmntag.adTag(‘purch_N_C_0_1’, false);}); What Happens When Cache and Cookies are Deleted? When you visit a website, it will sometimes […]